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Installing Plug Ins

Written and Copyright © Cherie
This is my own creation, any similarities to other
tutorials is purely coincidental and unintentional.




Drag the Arrow to mark your progress


Toadies filter Follow the directions below for installing the Plug In.


New Way:

1. First thing to do is close out PSP.

2. Download and save to a spot in your computer, I always save mine in my downloads and then extract it to my plug-in folder in the PSP folder. Depending on the type of Plug-in it is. If it is one that has an exe file then I just leave it in the downloads to delete later and install it into the C:\Plugins folder. If it isn't an exe file then I unzip it using WinZip.

See my Example:


You may need to create a folder depending on how organized you like to be. I like to be really organized and not have any extra plug-in sitting around my folders. I also use an external hard drive so that I am not taking so much room on my computer. (They can take up a lot of space).



Once you have extracted it You are done.


Toadies can be imported to ICNet - Filters Unlimited to do that see the following: (you can still get the same results)

1. Open PSP


2. Navigate to Effects/ICNET/Filters Unlimited







Don't do too many at once it will freeze up PSP and then you have to start all over.




This is if You have windows 7 or later:

1.  When you download plug-in, make a folder on your computer named plug-in.


2.  Save your download to your folder on your desk top.


3.  Save your plug-in in the designated folder.


4.  Open up your folder from the desktop, right click on the plug-in.  A box should open up and will say something like unzip the file or extract the file.  It may even show up like I do.  I use WinRAR zip program and that is the way if shows for me.


5.  Now your files should extract into the same folder, if they do not watch the path and change it to your desktop plug-in folder if it doesn't already say that on the download.  Below look at the files that extracted.  the .8bf are the actual files.  Those are the ones that need to go into your Jasc Plug in folder.  The readme and the samples along with the original zip file do not need to be uploaded.

6.  Now lets open up your windows explorer.  Go to your Start menu then Accessories then your Windows Explorer. Note each system is different mine is a Windows XP and this is the way it looks, yours may be different but all operating systems have a Windows Explorer (Mac computers only use Photoshop, most plug-in can be used for Photoshop but don't know where they go or how that works, so we can't help you).  If you don't see it based on my example look around for it in other folders, I have even seen were it was separate on the start menu.

7.  Once you have opened up your Explorer click on the + sign on "My Computer" and it will open up.  Then click on the + sign on "Programs"

8.  Once all your programs have opened up click on the + sign on "Jasc Software Inc" then open up your Paint Shop Pro program. Once your program is open click on the + sign on the plug-in.  Click on the actual word Plug-in so it is highlighted.  Note if you do not see Plug-in then Make a new folder within the explores and of course make sure its within your Paint shop.  Title it Plug-in just like mine.  You need that folder in order to download. Notice once you have opened up the plug-in folder you will see in the center different folders and maybe even other things you have downloaded.  We are going to move the files you just unzipped into this portion of the plug-in.

9.   What your seeing within the next image is both of my folders side by side.  I have on top the actual folder from my desktop that I unzipped the plug-in to.  Underneath that folder is my "Windows Explorer"  I highlighted all the files from the unzipped folder that I wanted to add to my psp.  I did that by clicking on the first .8bf file and holding down my ctrl key I clicked on each one individually until I had them all highlighted.  Once I had all the files highlighted I right clicked on the highlighted ones and drug them over to my explorer and dropped them into the center.  It will move all those files into y our plug-in folder for psp. 

Once you have done that your done.  Now if you had PSP open already its not going to show up.  You have to close it and then open it up again.  So I always put my plug-in in before I open up PSP.


Hope that helps.


Happy Creating all


Please do not copy, tear apart, email or share these lessons without my permission: Thank You for your understanding and respect for the hard work that goes into these lessons.

Graphics/Content ©2007 Cherie.
All Rights Reserved.
Page Edited by Jenn Schueller